A healthy lawn all year long.
During June, continue natural lawn care practices that support lawn health with a smaller environmental footprint.
Dates may vary by geographic location and turfgrass species. Choose practices based on your lawn’s specific needs.
Things to do in June:
- Mow high to promote deep roots and crowd out weeds. Remove no more than 1/3 of the leaf blade at a time.
- Return grass clippings to your lawn or compost bin. Recycled grass clippings can provide up to 25% of your lawn’s nutrient needs.
- Win against weeds. Continue to monitor but tolerate some weeds in your grass. For removal, hand-pull if possible or use the appropriate, least-toxic chemical—be sure to follow directions on the label.
- Use water efficiently. Water your lawn when necessary—no more than one inch per week, including rainfall. Tip: Measure using a rain gauge or empty tuna can.
- If watering is necessary, do so in the morning between 5:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.